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Powering Your Wishes

Yew tree on the banks of Loch Lomand.

There are many practices that bring spirituality into your life. If you are trying them but they are not helping, one reason might be that you aren’t giving them the life force they need to become real. Let’s look at how to solve that issue.

The most important aspect of any practice is to bring in enough life force — made up of energy and inspiration — to do the practice effectively. We can’t get this life force from the world around us. With all the problems in the world, there just isn’t enough life force here. And what is here is full of negativity. What we need to do is reach deep into the shamanic lower world to find clean energy. Then we reach high into the upper world to find inspiration.

Here’s a quick description of how to do that using the regions of your soul. Continue reading and add your comment